MP for South Leicestershire, Alberto Costa, was appalled to learn of the extremely disgusting decision to release double rapist and child murderer Colin Pitchfork from prison.
Alberto who has worked very hard in campaigning to keep this cruel man behind bars was aghast at how the Parole Board could make such an awful decision. Mr Costa who has been in regular contact with the Parole Board over the last few months has repeatedly pressed his constituents’ views that Pitchfork should never be released due to the horrifying nature of his crimes. Pitchfork’s twisted and vicious sexual offences involved raping two innocent teenage girls and then callously murdering them. It was only because of advances in DNA technology that Pitchfork was caught.
The Parole Board were meant to decide in March 2021 but delayed the decision to receive more evidence from the prison authorities which, Mr Costa believes, is a way for the Parole Board to ‘cross every t and dot every I’ to strengthen its decision to release this repugnant man and avoid criticism in the courts.
Alberto said, “The Parole Board is supposed to protect people across our country. How on earth can they justify a decision to release such a repugnant, dangerous rapist and murderer such as Pitchfork? If Pitchfork had committed these terrible crimes today, it is highly unlikely that he would be released.”
Alberto added, “Now that the Parole Board has chosen to release Pitchfork, the matter moves into the hands of ministers. It is up to the Secretary of State for Justice to demand a reconsideration of the Parole Board’s dreadful decision to release this child rapist and killer. I understand that the Secretary of State has 21 days in which to push for a full reconsideration of this flawed decision. I have spoken with ministers and am pleading with them to do all that they can to stop the release of this brutal double child murderer. The government rightly states that it will take offences, particularly sexual offences, against women and children very seriously; there is nothing more serious in terms of sexual offences than raping and murdering two innocent teenage girls.”